Update for the Spooky Season

I was originally going to save this update post for after the Jurassic Park retrospective was finished, but considering how long that that dragged out, I think it’s better to just lay my plans out on the table right now.

Sadly, it doesn’t seem that I will have that much time to talk about the spooky side of things this Halloween, as I’ve decided that Jurassic Park is going to be my main priority from now until the retrospective is finally finished. I still have three entries to talk about: Jurassic World Dominion, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, and Jurassic World: Chaos Theory. I really hope the writing process for those articles is a lot faster than my other Jurassic World reviews, because if I’m still working on this thing by December, I’ll probably ask Mom and Dad for a fossil T. rex skull for Christmas so I can guillotine myself with it.

That said, I don’t plan to leave this October completely devoid of spooky stuff. I mentioned in my last “Cryptids of North America” article that I plan to release an entry on New Jersey before the end of this month. I’ve also had an idea percolating for an original fiction story that I think I’m going to make this year’s Halloween special. I think I’d prefer to keep the details to myself until the publishing date, though, but I promise it will be interesting.

Some watchers my also note that I haven’t posted the second part of my “Best Animated Series of 2023” list even though it’s October of 2024. You can blame the Jurassic Park retrospective for that, as I’ve been focused on that, trying (and failing) to get that out as fast as possible. Needless to say, finishing my thoughts on 2023 in animation is going to be my biggest priority once the retrospective is finally behind me.

Yeah, if it isn’t clear already, let me just state for the record that I AM NEVER FUCKING DOING ANOTHER MULTI-PART RETROSPECTIVE EVER AGAIN!!! Not only are there not really any other large franchises that I’m as nostalgic for (except maybe Ghostbusters and Winnie the Pooh), but I feel that the next May retrospective would be better served by just a single article talking about my favorite episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants or something along those lines.

One last thing I’d like to update you guys on before I go is something that’s been dormant for a long time: The Divine Conspiracy. I’ve had writer’s block on that story for ages, now, and I haven’t even touched it since May of 2023. I do have an idea to maybe get me motivated to work on it again. Those who have visited my DeviantArt page may have seen that I have a five-part pilot posted on there that I have yet to post on PrestonPosits (said pilot was actually the final piece I composed for my last college class in order to graduate). I feel that I should remedy that situation sooner rather than later. Before I do, however, there are some elements that I wish to revise, much like I did when I posted it on DeviantArt. There is a part of my psyche nagging me that I’m just iterating on that piece over and over to avoid actually writing the larger narrative that accompanies it. However, I feel like I owe my blog watchers their own version of what I consider my greatest writing accomplishment so far. You can probably expect that sometime around December or January (or whenever the retrospectives on Jurassic Park and 2023 animation are complete).

I hope to complete these projects soon, even if life throws some complications my way. For instance, our sixteen-year-old family cat has stopped being able to walk properly and is likely not long for this world, so I might need some time to cope with that. But I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I hope you all have a wonderfully creepy holiday season, and I’ll see you all again very, very soon. Bye, folks!


Cryptids of North America #7: Connecticut