Happy Holidays from PrestonPosits!

Hey, guys! It seems that the second part of my “best animated TV series” list won’t be finished before the New Year, so I figured I’d move my usual New Year’s update to today so I can at least get something out this December.

There are a few reasons for the delays. Excitement over the holiday season being so close might be a part of it. However, there is also the matter of my paternal grandmother passing away earlier this month after a decade-plus-long battle with Parkinson’s disease. Dealing with the lead-up to the funeral and the aftermath really took a lot out of me and the rest of my family, which likely contributed to me not having the energy to focus on the blog.

Those factors (plus the anxieties of dealing with a second Trump presidency) are also likely contributing to my lack of solid future plans for the blog. The fact that I still have yet to finish my birthday retrospective on the Jurassic Park franchise seven months after my birthday means that a lot of my other plans are up in the air until that and the animation retrospectives are finally finished (hell, at this rate, Jurassic World Rebirth will probably out before I have time to finish it). I want to get a “Cryptids of North America” entry on Delaware out sometime in January, but we’ll see how likely that is.

Something that may further complicate the future of this blog in the coming year is my New Year’s resolution: getting a driver’s license. I’ve practically become a hikikomori ever since I got laid off from my job on Halloween 2022, and I’m growing increasingly sick of being stuck inside my house all day. Like I said in “I’m Ashamed to Be an American,” I do balk at the idea of adding yet another gas-guzzling car to our already over-crowded highways, but Big Oil lobbied the government into defunding public transport and high-speed rail. What other options do I have?

Yes, reactivating my social life is going to be a challenge for this autistic shut-in. Still, the alternative (being a misanthrope not doing anything to help stop the billionaire class from burning the world down to preserve their stock portfolios) would be much worse. Maybe I could find a new job, friends, and a significant other at the nearest DSA meeting. Who knows?

I’m sorry if this isn’t the Christmas cheer-filled post you expected from me this time of year. I just want you guys to know that even if I get so busy out in the real world that my posts here become less frequent, I will still share my opinions on this site as often as I am able. Unless, of course, Trump revokes the First Amendment and sends me to a reeducation camp to cure me of my unpatriotic tendencies. We’ll see.

A happy holiday season to all who may be reading this, no matter what you celebrate.


My Favorite Animated Series of 2023 Pt. 2: July-December


Cryptids of North America #8: New Jersey